Bulk Mail Program
Free consultancy and service on every subject from loading your email list to the system until you send your first email. We are always with you with our customer representative support for better accessibility, more successful and powerful email marketing....
With the Bulk Mail Sending program, you can easily and quickly send your campaigns, celebrations, announcements and advertisements to the people you want to send. Depending on your sending request, you can send your brochures or e-bulletins in html or image format to your customers, members, dealers and the audience you want to reach.
Call for Demo 0 553 658 50 81
Avoid spam with package sending method
High speed and secure e-mail sending
Mail design editor
One-click image upload
Sending with recipient name
Mail contact list editing
Mail list grouping
Pdf - Excel Output and Automatic Mail Sending
Unlimited email sending
Sending interval time and package sending
1- 3 - 5 - 10 - 20 packages with interval sending
Sending with 5 - 10 - 15 - 20 - 30 - 60 - 120 sec intervals
Ability to send e-mails with images and in HTML format
Ability to create your own contact groups
Ability to delete incorrect and repeated e-mail addresses
Responsive Design (Compatible with all mobile devices)